TIJARAH: Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen, dan Bisnis Syariah https://litera-academica.com/ojs/tijarah <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>TIJARAH: Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen, dan Bisnis Syariah </strong>is a scholarly journal published by <strong>Litera Academica Publishing</strong>, focusing on the study of economics, management, and business from an Islamic perspective. The journal aims to serve as a forum for academics, researchers, and practitioners to publish research findings, theoretical studies, and critical analyses on current issues in Islamic economics, Islamic management, and business based on Islamic values. <strong>TIJARAH: Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen, dan Bisnis Syariah </strong>is published four times a year, in <strong>March</strong><strong>, June, September</strong>, and <strong>December</strong>. The journal accepts articles in both <strong>Indonesian</strong> and <strong>English</strong>, covering a wide range of topics including, but not limited to, the development of Islamic economics, Islamic financial management, Islamic business strategies, corporate governance according to Sharia principles, and innovation in Islamic business.</p> Litera Academica Publishing en-US TIJARAH: Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen, dan Bisnis Syariah 3063-8402 Prinsip-prinsip Islam Tentang Ekonomi https://litera-academica.com/ojs/tijarah/article/view/116 <p>This research aims to find out and explore Islamic principles in the concept of Islamic Economics, as well as their application as a solution to various global economic challenges, such as social inequality, resource exploitation and economic instability. This research is a type of qualitative research using a literature study method. The research results show that Islamic Economics as an economic science based on Islamic teachings sourced from the Al-Qur'an and al-Sunnah, Ijma' (ulema agreement), and qiyās (analogy) formulates an economic system that is different from other Islamic economic systems. other systems. This is because Islamic Economics has its roots in sharia which is a source and guide for every Muslim and his activities. Islam has sharia goals which refer to human interests in achieving prosperity and a better life, and also has very important values ​​for brotherhood and socio-economic justice. The principles of Islamic Economics are based on five universal values ​​which include tauhid (faith), 'adl (justice), nubuwwah (prophecy), khilafah (government), and ma'ad (results). The results of this study confirm that the application of Islamic principles in Islamic economics has an important role in maintaining a balance between economic growth and social justice. This study produces findings that have the potential to become a basis for academic policy makers and practitioners to design more effective strategies in realizing an Islamic economy based on Islamic principles.</p> Puan Maharani Ariel Palasthree Ulil Amri Nancy Eka Setiawati Zaandya Fauziah Nur Hidayat Amanda Miftahul Janah Awalia Desvia Rahma Agzelianti Mahandika Yuda Maruly Copyright (c) 2025 Puan Maharani Ariel Palasthree Ulil Amri, Nancy Eka Setiawati, Zaandya Fauziah Nur Hidayat, Amanda Miftahul Janah, Awalia Desvia Rahma Agzelianti, Mahandika Yuda Maruly https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2025-01-05 2025-01-05 2 1 Perlindungan Data Pribadi dalam E-Commerce Syariah: Studi Komparatif Indonesia dan Singapura https://litera-academica.com/ojs/tijarah/article/view/119 <p><em>The development of Islamic e-commerce has had a significant impact on the transaction patterns of modern society, especially in Indonesia and Singapore. However, this progress also raises major challenges in terms of personal data protection, which becomes a crucial issue in maintaining consumer trust and maintaining compliance with sharia principles. This study aims to analyze and compare the regulation and implementation of personal data protection in sharia e-commerce in both countries. A qualitative approach is used through literature study and analysis of legal documents, such as the Personal Data Protection Act (PDP) in Indonesia and the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) in Singapore. The results show that Singapore has a more mature legal framework with strong enforcement mechanisms, while Indonesia still faces challenges in implementation and public education. However, both countries strive to harmonize regulations with sharia principles, such as maintaining trustworthiness and fairness. This study provides recommendations for the development of more effective and sharia-compliant personal data protection policies, so as to increase consumer confidence in the sharia e-commerce sector.</em></p> Rudysta Dihyah Al-Kalabi Muhibban Copyright (c) 2025 Rudysta Dihyah Al-Kalabi, Muhibban https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2025-01-07 2025-01-07 2 1 11 18