LITERA: Jurnal Ilmiah Mutidisiplin
<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>LITERA: Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin</strong> adalah jurnal ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh Litera Academica Publishing, di bawah naungan Yayasan Amal Ibnu Shabil (Berdasarkan Akta Pendirian Yayasan No. 08, 22 Januari 2022) yang berfokus pada publikasi penelitian dari berbagai disiplin ilmu. Jurnal ini bertujuan untuk menjadi wadah kolaborasi dan komunikasi ilmiah bagi para peneliti, akademisi, praktisi, serta mahasiswa yang memiliki minat dalam berbagai bidang ilmu pengetahuan, baik ilmu sosial, ilmu alam, teknologi, humaniora, maupun bidang terapan lainnya.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>LITERA: Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin </strong>menerbitkan artikel dalam bentuk hasil penelitian asli, tinjauan pustaka, kajian teoretis, dan laporan kasus yang relevan dengan perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan global. Kami menerima artikel dalam bahasa <strong>Indonesia</strong> dan <strong>Inggris</strong>, dan publikasi ini terbuka untuk kontribusi dari akademisi dan peneliti. <strong>LITERA: Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin</strong> diterbitkan enam kali setahun (<strong>Februari,</strong> <strong>April, Juni, Agustus</strong>, <strong>Oktober,</strong> dan <strong>Desember</strong>) dan tersedia secara online melalui Open Journal System (OJS).</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Setiap edisi <strong>LITERA: Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin </strong>menghadirkan artikel yang telah melalui proses peer-review dan menampilkan beragam perspektif ilmiah yang inovatif dan relevan, dengan harapan untuk memperkaya wawasan serta memberikan kontribusi nyata bagi perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan secara holistik</p>Litera Academica Publishingen-USLITERA: Jurnal Ilmiah MutidisiplinPerkawinan Lari (Kawin Lari) dan Tantangan Penegak Hukum dalam Kerangka Pancasila
<p><em>This study examines the phenomenon of runaway marriages in Indonesia, particularly among communities with strong adherence to traditional customs. Runaway marriages are often seen as a solution for couples who lack family approval or face socio-economic pressures, but they have serious legal implications. Marriages that are not officially registered lack legal standing and negatively impact the legal rights of both the partners and any children born from such unions. Within the framework of Pancasila, runaway marriages conflict with the core values of justice, unity, and respect for the law.The study identifies challenges in enforcing laws related to runaway marriages, including inconsistencies between customary law and state law, inadequate marriage registration in remote areas, and low legal awareness among local communities. The research method involves case analysis, interviews with legal experts and community members, and a review of relevant literature. Recommendations include harmonizing customary law with state law, enhancing legal education, strengthening the role of law enforcement, and utilizing technology in marriage registration systems. These recommendations aim to align marriage practices with Pancasila values and provide fair legal protection for all individuals..</em></p>Ahmad Muhammad Mustain NasohaAshfiya Nur AtqiyaMuhammad Arif HidayahMuhammad Zidan Al FathMuhammad Asyhad Achyyarul Imam
Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmad Muhammad Mustain Nasoha, Ashfiya Nur Atqiya, Muhammad Arif Hidayah, Muhammad Zidan Al Fath, Muhammad Asyhad Achyyarul Imam
2024-11-172024-11-17127382Peran Pancasila dalam Penyusunan Kebijakan Hukum Anti Terorisme
<p>Pancasila, as the state foundation and ideology of the Indonesian nation, plays a crucial role in formulating legal policies, including in efforts to eradicate terrorism. This article discusses how Pancasila values, such as justice, humanity and unity, are integrated into anti-terrorism legal policies in Indonesia. Pancasila provides a philosophical foundation that ensures the policy is not only effective in maintaining national security, but also respects human rights, prevents discrimination, and strengthens national unity. Thus, anti-terrorism policies prepared based on Pancasila are expected to realize law enforcement that is just, based on humanity, and supports the integrity of the Indonesian nation. The research method used is the Normative Juridical Approach method, this method focuses on literature studies and legal regulations, such as the Anti-Terrorism Law in Indonesia. Researchers usually analyze legislative documents, legal theory, and how Pancasila values are applied in existing legal policies. The results of this research reveal that a study of how Pancasila shapes anti-terrorism policy in Indonesia shows that the ideology and philosophy of Pancasila functions as an ideological and philosophical foundation.</p>Ahmad Muhammad Mustain NasohaAshfiya Nur AtqiyaDyah Sekar RengganisSofia NurainiNurrohmar Tri Wulandari
Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmad Muhammad Mustain Nasoha, Ashfiya Nur Atqiya, Dyah Sekar Rengganis, Sofia Nuraini, Nurrohmar Tri Wulandari
2024-11-172024-11-17128393Poligami di Indonesia: Apakah Sejalan dengan Nilai-nilai Pancasila dan Hukum Nasional?
<p><em>This research explains the conformity of polygamy practices in Indonesia with Pancasila values and national law, with the aim of assessing how far polygamy is in accordance with the state’s basic principles and applicable legal regulations. This research approach uses qualitative methods by studying cases and analyzing documents. Data was collected through interviews with key informants, observations of court cases, and analysis of legal documents and academic literature. Research findings show that although polygamy is regulated by Law no. 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage, practices are often inconsistent with Pancasila values, especially in terms of social justice and gender equality. Weak legal implementation and inadequate protection of the rights of first wives and children contribute to exacerbating injustice. This research recommends legal reform, strengthening supervision, and protecting women’s rights to increase compatibility between the practice of polygamy and the basic principles of state and national law.</em></p>Ahmad Muhammad Mustain NasohaAshfiya Nur AtqiyaWahyu SugiyantoAhmad BaihaqiHabib Rahadian
Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmad Muhammad Mustain Nasoha, Ashfiya Nur Atqiya, Wahyu Sugiyanto, Ahmad Baihaqi, Habib Rahadian
2024-11-172024-11-171294102Pancasila dan Hukum Konstitusi : Tinjauan Perkawinan Beda Agama di Indonesia
<p><em>Interfaith marriage is a complex issue in Indonesia, especially when faced with the state ideology Pancasila and constitutional law. Pancasila, as the nation's ideology, prioritises the values of togetherness and harmony, while constitutional law in Law Number 1 Year 1974 on Marriage stipulates that a marriage is considered valid if it is conducted in accordance with the religious laws of each party. In practice, this raises various debates related to human rights, religious freedom, and state legal policy. The research method used is the Normative Juridical Approach method, this method focuses on the study of literature and legal regulations, such as the Anti-Terrorism Law in Indonesia. Researchers usually analyse legislative documents, legal theories, and how Pancasila values are applied in existing legal policies. The results of this study reveal that the role of Pancasila in making anti-terrorism legal policy in Indonesia shows that the philosophical idiological values of Pancasila serve as the foundation for the pol.</em></p>Ahmad Muhammad Mustain NasohaAshfiya Nur AtqiyaAnggi SaputraMusthofa Wahyu PradanaMalika Yasifa AndikaAkhfal Nur Rohim
Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmad Muhammad Mustain Nasoha, Ashfiya Nur Atqiya, Anggi Saputra, Musthofa Wahyu Pradana, Malika Yasifa Andika, Akhfal Nur Rohim
2024-11-182024-11-1812103112Analisis Pancasila sebagai Landasan Hukum Anti Korupsi di Indonesia
<p>Corruption is a problem that threatens the social, economic, and political foundations of Indonesia. This study analyzes the role of Pancasila as the legal foundation for anti-corruption efforts. As the state ideology, Pancasila contains moral, ethical, justice, and humanitarian values that are relevant to strengthening the fight against corruption. This qualitative research employs literature analysis, case studies, and interviews. The findings reveal that the five principles of Pancasila—Belief in One Almighty God, Just and Civilized Humanity, Unity of Indonesia, Democracy Guided by the Inner Wisdom of Deliberation and Representation, and Social Justice for All Indonesians—can serve as moral and ethical grounds for developing anti-corruption policies and regulations. The study highlights the importance of applying Pancasila values in education, public policy, and law enforcement to build a strong anti-corruption culture. With this holistic approach, Indonesia is expected to combat corruption both repressively and preventively, achieving justice and social welfare.</p>Ahmad Muhammad Mustain NasohaAshfiya Nur AtqiyaAlfi Rosyidatul UlfiyahAulia Nur Rohmah
Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmad Muhammad Mustain Nasoha, Ashfiya Nur Atqiya, Alfi Rosyidatul Ulfiyah, Aulia Nur Rohmah
2024-11-182024-11-1812113122 Pancasila dan Penguatan Hukum Tata Negara dalam Era Demokrasi
<p>This journal examines how Pancasila values—such as social justice, people’s sovereignty, and unity can remain relevant and dominant within the framework of constitutional law amid various dynamics of democracy and globalization. One of the main issues discussed is the concern that legal and political practices in the democratic era often deviate from Pancasila values, as seen in various cases of injustice, abuse of power, and social disintegration. The journal also highlights the influence of globalization on Indonesia’s legal system, where international standards on human rights, democracy, and the rule of law demand adaptation within national laws. However, this adaptation must be carried out while maintaining a national identity rooted in Pancasila. Therefore, it is crucial to find a balance between adjusting to global demands and upholding Pancasila values in constitutional law. The writing of this journal is driven by the urgent need to reassess the relevance of Pancasila in constitutional law, especially in facing new challenges such as uncontrolled freedom, rising individualism, and the threat of social disintegration. This journal offers solutions to strengthen Pancasila’s role as the foundation of constitutional law through the reaffirmation of its principles in legal and political policies. Through this study, it is expected to make a significant scholarly contribution in preserving and sustaining Pancasila as the foundation of the state and law in Indonesia, and ensuring that Indonesia’s constitutional law continues to reflect national values in the era of democracy and globalization.</p>Ahmad Muhammad Mustain NasohaMuhammad Keizafa Yusuf AgachiMarshal Ruhul MuhammadMuhammad Bima ApriyandiRafi Romadoni
Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmad Muhammad Mustain Nasoha, Muhammad Keizafa Yusuf Agachi, Marshal Ruhul Muhammad, Muhammad Bima Apriyandi, Rafi Romadoni
2024-11-182024-11-1812123138Pancasila Sebagai Fondasi dalam Pembentukan Hukum Tata Negara di Era Reformasi
<p><em>Pancasila, as the ideological basis of the Republic of Indonesia, plays a fundamental role in the formation and application of constitutional law, especially in the reform era that began in the late 1990s. Major transformations in Indonesia's political and legal system during this period, including the amendment of the 1945 Constitution, the renewal of laws, and the reform of state institutions, posed challenges in maintaining the relevance and application of Pancasila principles. This research aims to explore how Pancasila was integrated in the new legal and constitutional policies and to assess the impact of legal reforms on the implementation of Pancasila values. Using academic sources, empirical data, and up-to-date theoretical analyses, this research identifies the challenges faced and possible solutions to ensure Pancasila principles remain relevant and effective. The results show that although Pancasila faces various challenges, it remains a vital ideological foundation in Indonesia's legal system. In conclusion, Pancasila as an ideological foundation cannot be separated from the life of society and the state.</em></p>Ahmad Muhammad Mustain NasohaAshfiya Nur AtqiyaRoyyan Ulya Safiinatun NajahRachmatullaili Zulaikhah SuyutiAthifah Amani Nengrum
Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmad Muhammad Mustain Nasoha, Ashfiya Nur Atqiya, Royyan Ulya Safiinatun Najah, Rachmatullaili Zulaikhah Suyuti, Athifah Amani Nengrum
2024-11-182024-11-1812139146 Optimalisasi Realisasi Anggaran Negara/Daerah bagi Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Nasional
<p><em>This study aims to identify effective efforts in budget realization to optimize its impact on economic growth. The research employs a qualitative approach based on collected data. The analysis technique involves library research using references from books and related scientific articles. Data were obtained from government institutions connected to national/regional budgets and the national economy. The findings indicate that the government must maximize the implementation of national/regional budgets to achieve the highest impact on national economic growth. The first step is ensuring the effectiveness and efficiency of budget expenditure activities, avoiding unnecessary spending and waste. Second, the government should accelerate the realization of national/regional budget expenditures while maintaining attention to national/regional revenue levels. Earlier completion of budget-related activities will provide earlier benefits to society, resulting in a more significant economic growth effect. Third, the integration between national and regional budget realization must be carefully managed to achieve national effectiveness and efficiency. It is crucial to avoid situations where efficiency at the central government level is accompanied by carelessness and waste at the regional level, or vice versa.</em></p>Achmat SubekanAzwar Azwar
Copyright (c) 2024 Achmat Subekan, Azwar Azwar
2024-11-232024-11-2312147160 Tantangan dan Peluang dalam Penyebaran Islam pada Kemajuan Teknologi
<p><em>The development of information and communication technology has had a significant impact on the spread of Islam in the era of globalization. Technology not only speeds up the process of conveying information, but also allows Muslims to access religious teachings in a more efficient and effective way. This research aims to analyze the relationship between Islam and technological progress, as well as identifying the challenges and opportunities faced in the process of spreading Islamic teachings through technology. This research uses a literature review method by analyzing various scientific works related to the spread of Islam and technological developments. The results of this research reveal that technology offers great opportunities in Islamic da'wah, such as facilitating access to Islamic information through Islamic applications, expanding the reach of da'wah through social media, and enabling the spread of Islam to non-Muslims in a more peaceful and educative way. However, on the other hand, technology also brings challenges, such as the spread of misinformation, content that is not in accordance with Islamic values, as well as the potential for conflict and disruption to the focus of worship. Therefore, it is important for Muslims to use technology wisely and based on Islamic values </em><em></em><em>so that the spread of Islamic teachings can run effectively and harmoniously in facing the challenges of the times.</em></p>Dwezille Satritama GhazaliMaurisa Asry RamadhaniMuh. Danar Prakoso Muh. Hafizh Nafi’ MaftazanyMuh. Ilham PerdanaRakha HadimulyaSefira Dona Puspita
Copyright (c) 2024 Dwezille Satritama Ghazali, Maurisa Asry Ramadhani, Muh. Danar Prakoso, Muh. Hafizh Nafi’ Maftazany, Muh. Ilham Perdana, Rakha Hadimulya, Sefira Dona Puspita
2024-11-292024-11-2912161171Analisa Kebutuhan Air Bersih pada RSUD Kabupaten Ogan Ilir
<p><em>This study aims to analyze the clean water needs at the Regional General Hospital (RSUD) of Ogan Ilir Regency. The analysis includes calculations of clean water requirements for staff and patients, as well as the water discharge supplied from bore wells to the reservoir. The results indicate that the hospital's average daily clean water demand is 102,120 liters (102.12 m³), with a maximum daily requirement of 127,650 liters (127.65 m³). However, the available supply is only 35,250 liters (35.25 m³), leading to a significant deficit in meeting the demand. Additionally, the water quality from bore wells does not meet the standards for clean water. This study recommends improved planning and management of reservoirs, increasing water storage capacity, and evaluating the piping system and water pressure to ensure optimal distribution. Implementing these solutions is expected to ensure the sustainability of the clean water supply, thereby supporting optimal healthcare services.</em></p>Adhe Yundri Tunggal Prasetio
Copyright (c) 2024 Adhe Yundri Tunggal Prasetio
2024-12-062024-12-0612172188Perhitungan RAB dan Waktu Pekerjaan Struktur Bangunan Gedung B Sekolah Rajawali Bangsa Negeri Lama Kota Ambon
<p><em>Calculation of the cost and time budget for construction work aims to find out how much the budget costs and how long it will take to carry out construction work on the construction of Building B of the Rajawali Bangsa Negeri Lama School, Ambon City. Based on data obtained from the authorities working on the Rajawali Bangsa School Building B Construction Project, only working drawing data was obtained. This research aims to calculate the cost of structural work and plan the time for carrying out structural work on the construction of Building B of the Rajawali Bangsa Negeri Lama School, Ambon City. This research uses a field survey method. The results of the research show that based on unit prices for the Ambon City area in 2023, work time planning uses the S Curve method, so as to know the planned time for the duration of each work item being carried out. Based on the results of the calculations, the budget plan for the cost required for the Rajawali Bangsa School Building B Structure work is Rp. 3,450,354,000.00 and the planned duration of the Rajawali Bangsa School Building B Structure work duration is 16 weeks with 112 calendar days. So it can be suggested to calculate the budget plan for the costs and time of work that has not been achieved in the form of a budget for non-structural work costs and non-structural work time.</em></p>Muchlis SalamunPieter Lourens FransMaslan Abdin
Copyright (c) 2024 Muchlis Salamun, Pieter Lourens Frans, Maslan Abdin
2024-12-062024-12-0612189203Analisis Penjadwalan Pelaksanaan Gedung Pengadilan Negeri Dataran Hunipopu Klas II Menggunakan Metode CPM
<p><em>A work network is a flow diagram visualization of the sequence, relationships and dependencies of each activity that must be fulfilled to complete the project. The work network describes the project activities that must be carried out, the logical sequence of activities, the dependencies between activities, the timing of activities through the critical path. By planning a work network, an analysis can be carried out on the project completion time schedule, problems that may arise if delays occur, the probability of project completion, the costs required to speed up project completion and so on. This research aims to determine the work that is referred to as the critical trajectory of the implementation of the construction of the Plains Hunipopu Class II District Court Building. This research carries out schedule planning using the CPM method. CPM (Critical path Method) assumes that the activity time is known with certainty so that only one time factor is needed for each activity. The research results show that in scheduling using the Critical Path Method (CPM) there is 1 critical path, namely A, B, C, F, L, P, Q, R (2+4+11+5+5+4+4+4= 39). From the calculation results, it was obtained that the project implementation time was 39 working weeks. Meanwhile, the planned scheduling is 43 working weeks. So it can be concluded that with the CPM method project work is 4 weeks faster with a time efficiency of 9.30%.</em></p>Wa MilaLa Mohamat SalehMaslan Abdin
Copyright (c) 2024 Wa Mila, La Mohamat Saleh, Maslan Abdin
2024-12-072024-12-0712204212Evaluasi Kinerja Struktur Atas pada Gedung Kejuruan Welding BLK Ambon
<p><em>Ambon has a history of significant earthquakes, especially on September 26, 2019. Based on data from the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB), the earthquake caused at least 30 deaths and widespread infrastructure damage. Therefore, building structures in Ambon City must be planned to be able to withstand earthquake loads and other dynamic loads and what the condition of the structure is when experiencing earthquake forces. This study aims to analyze and solve the structural conditions of the BLK Ambon Welding Vocational Building when exposed to earthquake forces. In this study, the author uses the spectrum response method to analyze the dynamic response of the structure to earthquake loads, and uses SAP 2000 v20 software to analyze the forces in the structure. Based on the results of the analysis of the X-direction dynamic shear force after scaling the force of 936.04 kN and the Y-direction dynamic shear force of 936.23 kN, it can be concluded that the structure is declared safe against the working loads and has met the requirements of SNI 1726-2019. And for the deviation analysis carried out, the value of the inter-floor deviation, especially for both floors in the X and Y directions, does not exceed and meets the requirements for the inter-level deviation permit, which is 67.5 mm. Based on the results of the evaluation of the level of structural performance obtained, the maximum total drift value is 0.0007 for the X direction and the Y direction is 0.0002, the results of this calculation indicate that the evaluated building is declared safe after the earthquake, damage and casualties are very limited and the building can be immediately re-used.</em></p>Abdulazizsyah AchmadPieter Lourens FransMargie Civitaria Siahay
Copyright (c) 2024 Abdulazizsyah Achmad, Pieter Lourens Frans, Margie Civitaria Siahay
2024-12-082024-12-0812213225Pengaruh Penggunaan Kerang sebagai Bahan Pengganti Sebagian Agregat Halus terhadap Kuat Tekan Beton
<p><em>This study aims to analyze the effect of using seashells as a partial replacement for fine aggregates on the compressive strength of concrete and slump value. The research methods include literature review, laboratory experiments following SNI and ASTM standards, mix design calculations, and compressive strength and slump testing on normal concrete samples (BN) and concrete with seashell mixtures (BK). The results indicate that using seashells affects the compressive strength of concrete. Normal concrete achieved a compressive strength of 220.7 Kg/cm², while concrete with a 2.5% seashell mixture achieved a compressive strength of 223.7 Kg/cm², meeting the compressive strength standard for K-200 grade. However, concrete with a 5% seashell mixture only reached a compressive strength of 132.6 Kg/cm², failing to meet the standard for normal concrete. For slump testing, the addition of seashells influenced the slump values. Normal concrete had a slump value of 9 cm, while concrete with 2.5% and 5% seashell mixtures yielded slump values of 8 cm and 10.8 cm, respectively. This study concludes that seashells are effective as a partial replacement for fine aggregates at a 2.5% proportion to improve the compressive strength of concrete, while a 5% proportion does not produce results comparable to normal concrete standards.</em></p>Zahwa Zafira LestaluhuLenora LeuheryTonny Sahusilawane
Copyright (c) 2024 Zahwa Zafira Lestaluhu, Lenora Leuhery, Tonny Sahusilawane
2024-12-122024-12-1212226233Potensi Pasir Laut dan Agregat Kasar Desa Pasir Putih di Kecamatan Obi Utara sebagai Bahan Beton
<p><em>The purpose of this study is to investigate whether the use of sea sand as a substitute for river sand in concrete mixtures is an effective common practice. Because of the abundance of sea sand in coastal areas, local residents have successfully used it in a variety of construction applications, including mortar, concrete, and plaster on many types of buildings. To investigate the potential use of sea sand as a substitute for river sand in concrete production, with a focus on determining the strength of the resulting concrete. In addition to sea sand, this study addresses the usage of local coarse aggregates, specifically mountain gravel, which is a key component in concrete mixtures. The availability of sea sand and mountain gravel as major construction resources is expected to support rising housing demand and population growth, particularly in Pasir Putih Village, North Obi District. SNI-03-2834-2000 is the procedure for developing concrete mixture designs and conducting laboratory test experiments. The conclusion reached Sea sand and coarse aggregates from Pasir Putih Village, Obi Utara District, can be used in concrete mixtures, though there are some inconsistencies with SNI specifications, and the compressive strength of concrete produced using sea sand and coarse aggregates from Pasir Putih Village is 10.76 MPa at 7 days and 12.17 MPa at 14 days. The compressive strength at 28 days for the 7-day concrete age is 12.22 MPa, while for the 14-day concrete age it is 13.83 MPa.</em></p>Nindi La AniPieter Lourens FransDelvia Rimesye Apalem
Copyright (c) 2024 Nindi La Ani, Pieter Lourens Frans, Delvia Rimesye Apalem
2024-12-212024-12-2112234242Perencanaan Dinding Penahan Tanah pada Ruas Jalan Dr. J. Leimena. Hative Besar Kota Ambon
<p><em>The road of Dr. J. Leimena, which is in Hative Besar Village, Ambon City, is one of the provincial roads affected by landslides caused by high intensity rain and strong winds that hit Ambon City, which caused damage to the retaining walls and also caused damage to Several buildings belonging to residents are located around the retaining wall, so repairs and re-planning of the damaged retaining wall are needed. The design of this retaining wall uses a gravity type wall and uses theory and empirical formulas according to Rankine to calculate active earth pressure and passive earth pressure on the retaining wall as well as terzaghi regarding the bearing capacity of the soil. The results of planning the dimensions of a retaining wall using a gravity type retaining wall with a height (H) = 5 m, bottom width (B) = 3.5 m, top width (T) = 0.8 m and Df = 0.83 m. The safety factor obtained from retaining wall planning is that the wall is stable against shear forces with a value of 2.6 > 1.5 (safe) and the wall is stable against overturning forces with a value of 2.6 > 1.5 (safe).</em></p>Fanny TuasuunAnthoneta MaitimuSjafrudin Latar
Copyright (c) 2024 Fanny Tuasuun, Anthoneta Maitimu, Sjafrudin Latar
2024-12-262024-12-2612243254Perencanaan Dinding Penahan Tanah pada Ruas Jalan Negeri Wakasihu Kabupaten Maluku Tengah
<p><em>JL.Province located in Negeri Wakasihu, Central Maluku Regency is one of the provincial roads affected by landslides due to its location near a fairly high slope/cliff in Negeri Wakasihu, Central Maluku.The landslide disaster occurred due to the influence of bad weather in the form of high intensity rain accompanied by strong winds that hit Negeri Wakasihu, so a solution was needed in the form of planning to build a retaining wall. The method used in the research is by using the theory and empirical formulas according to Rankine regarding active earth pressure and passive earth pressure on retaining walls and the Terzaghi method regarding soil bearing capacity. The planned retaining wall is a gravity type retaining wall with a height (H) = 4 M, bottom width (B) = 2.8 m, top width (T) = 0.6 m, and (Df) = 0.57 m. The safety factor obtained from the calculation results is that the retaining wall is stable against shear forces with a value of 4.67 > 1.5 (Safe) and the wall is stable against overturning forces with a value of 3.35 (SAFE).</em></p>Sahril Iyan WusurwutRenny James BetaubunSjafrudin Latar
Copyright (c) 2024 Sahril Iyan Wusurwut, Renny James Betaubun, Sjafrudin Latar
2024-12-262024-12-2612255271Analisis Struktur Bangunan Bawah pada Jembatan Way Lawa Tawiri Kota Ambon
<p><em>The bridges on Ambon Island in general are steel frame bridges, one of which includes the Way Lawa Tawiri Bridge in Ambon City, which has caused a narrowing of traffic flow so that it is necessary to rebuild the bridge. The purpose of this study is to analyze the loads acting on the abutments, the bearing capacity of the foundation soil, and its reinforcement (stumbling plate, stampede plate, console).The research method for this data was obtained: Field studies were carried out directly at the research location to obtain accurate data from the planning and implementation parties in the field, . Literature study in which the author used relevant data from books, journals and other scientific sources supports the theory and formulas used in calculations.Research results 1. Analysis of the calculated loading obtained by working loads: Dead load = 106.29 tons, Live load = 18.66 tons, Asphalt load = 113 tons, Friction load = 13.25 tons, Earthquake load = 3 .71 tons Active earth pressure (Pa), Pa1 = 58.21 tons Pa2 = 127.008 tons, Qult = 235.55 t/m2, Qall = 78.51 t/m2, Stumbling plate : Upper main reinforcement – ϕ 13- 150 mm, Top reinforcement – ϕ 13-300 mm, Bottom main reinforcement – ϕ 25-150 mm Bottom reinforcement - ϕ16-160 mm. Step plate : Main reinforcement = ϕ 16-250 mm, Sectional reinforcement = ϕ 14-200 mm, Console : Main reinforcement = ϕ 25-165 mm, Sectional reinforcement = ϕ 12-165 m.</em></p>Novalia Venesia RumahlaiselanVera Th. C. SiahayaGodfried Lewakabessy
Copyright (c) 2024 Novalia Venesia Rumahlaiselan, Vera Th. C. Siahaya, Godfried Lewakabessy
2024-12-292024-12-2912272279Analisis Kinerja Arus Lalu Lintas pada Ruas Jalan Slamet Riyadi – Tulukabessy Kota Ambon
<p><em>The Jalan Slamet Riyadi section is one of the main connecting roads that connects vehicle flows from inside and outside the city of Ambon. This section of road is also one of the roads that has a high level of vehicle density because at this location there is a tourism center in the form of Peace Gong and Merdeka Square which makes this place very busy with people visiting. With the crowds that occur on this road section, vehicle congestion and traffic jams often occur. Objective: Research on the performance of the Slamet Riyadi - Tulukabessy road section, factors that influence the performance of the Slamet Riyadi - Tulukabessy road section. The method used is the Indonesian Road Capacity Manual method (MKJI 1997). The degree of saturation is determined based on the highest USIG and UR data recap results among the survey results for 3 days (Monday, Wednesday and Saturday) from 06:00 WIT – 18:00 WIT at each survey point. Based on the results of field calculations, it can be seen that the capacity (C) of the Slamet Riyadi road section Monday at 16.00-17.00 WIT is 1469 pcu/hour with a value of Degree of Saturation (Ds) = 1.91 and the capacity value at (C) Intersection D.I. Panjaitan Monday 17.00 – 18.00 WIT is 3328 pcu/hour with a value of Degree of Saturation (Ds) = 3.53. From the calculation results, it is known that the capacity on the Slamet Riyadi Section and D.I.Panjaitan Intersection is already past saturation, which will cause long queues during peak hour traffic conditions. The results of the analysis of the average speed on the Slamet Riyadi road section for 6 hours were found to be 30.85 Km/hour.</em></p>Michael BoraAnthoneta MaitimuPenina T. Istia
Copyright (c) 2024 Michael Bora, Anthoneta Maitimu, Penina T. Istia