Jurnal Kajian Islam: Announcements2024-08-05T21:15:18+00:00Open Journal Systems<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>DIRASAH: </strong><strong>Jurnal Kajian Islam</strong> is a scholarly journal published by Litera Academica Publishing, aimed at disseminating research findings and scientific studies in various fields of Islamic sciences. The journal prioritizes the quality and originality of articles that contribute to the development of Islamic studies, both in terms of theory, methodology, and application. <strong>DIRASAH: </strong><strong>Jurnal Kajian Islam</strong> accepts articles from academics, researchers, and practitioners who are competent in their fields. Each submitted article undergoes a rigorous review process by experts to ensure the quality and relevance of the publication. <strong>DIRASAH: </strong><strong>Jurnal Kajian Islam </strong>is published four times a year (<strong>January, April, July,</strong> and<strong> October</strong>) and is available online through the Open Journal System (OJS), facilitating wide access and distribution. The article will be published in <strong>Bahasa Indonesia</strong> and <strong>English.</strong></p>